Rackline - CSR Policy

Rackline Limited is committed to operating in a socially responsible manner, balancing the interests of our business with the needs and expectations of our stakeholders and society as a whole. This policy statement outlines our dedication to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and our commitment to making a positive impact on the environment, communities, and individuals affected by our operations.

The company recognises that our actions as a business have broader social, economic, and environmental implications. Our objective is to integrate CSR into our business strategy, operations, and decision-making processes to create long-term value, promote sustainable development, and be a responsible organisation.


Our commitment to reducing our impact on the environment and the prevention of pollution has led the company to establish and maintain an environmental management system to the requirements of ISO 14001. This has been certified by a UKAS-accredited Certification Body, which carried out annual audits to ensure we remain compliant.

Through our own monitoring and review processes we strive for continual improvement of our environmental performance and aim to reduce our carbon footprint, in line with all other company objectives.

Read about our environmental policy here.

Social Responsibility

We will prioritise the health and safety of our employees, contractors, and visitors, and have established and maintained robust health and safety management systems, ensuring compliance with applicable legislation.

We will provide a safe, healthy, and inclusive work environment for our employees. We will promote fair employment practices, respect for workers’ rights, and opportunities for professional growth and development.

We will engage with local communities, understanding their concerns and aspirations. We will actively contribute to community development initiatives, support local organisations, and encourage employee volunteering.

We will foster open and transparent communication with our stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, regulators, and local communities. We will listen to their feedback, address their concerns, and integrate their perspectives into our decision-making processes.

Ethical Business Practices

We will conduct our business with the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and transparency. We will adhere to all applicable legislation, and we will promote a culture of ethical behaviour and zero tolerance for corruption, bribery, and unethical practices.

We will ensure that our marketing and advertising practices are truthful, fair, and respectful. We will not engage in deceptive or misleading practices that could harm consumers or undermine public trust.

This policy will be communicated to all personnel under the company’s control to ensure they understand and fully implement the company’s policies and objectives and are able to perform their duties effectively through ongoing training and development, and a review of resource needs. It will be available to all relevant interested parties upon request.

This corporate social responsibility policy will be reviewed at least annually to ensure it remains effective and appropriate to the business.

Fergus Doherty, Managing Director